Thank you to all who braved the wind and torrential rain to join us for our first Coffee, Cake, and Conversation (CCC)! The topics for discussion were to cover "Spiritual Health & Wellness". Did we not learn? Was the Word not made plain?
Approximately 32 sisters were in attendance, listening intently to the message "Take Off The Mask", as delivered through Apostle Delmarva Johnson. You never know who you may meet at our functions, as two of our attendees were from South Africa. Among many gems, we learned about soul ties vs being soul sick, how our unresolved issues are often times our own fault--evoking false feelings and false emotions, and how wholeness can only be achieved when you draw nigh to God. Whole people are atmosphere changers, for God not only fills their empty spaces, but gives them extra--anointing, purpose, vision, etc.! After Apostle Del's demonstration, one should never look at a cake the same again.
Did you attend CCC? If so, what did you learn? Leave us a message in the comments.
Apostle Delmarva Johnson is a published Author, International Speaker, Pastor and Founder of Warriors of Christ Church (Wilmington, NC), and our beloved Spiritual Mentor. You are welcome to learn more of her teachings and/or follow her ministry at:
In addition to Apostle Del, we'd like to formally thank:
Embracing Christ Fellowship Church c/o Bishop Michael L. Frink, for the event space
2 Ladies and a Scoop Plus More! for providing the Coffee, Tea, & Desserts
Free Spirit Food Co. c/o LaKeshia Gause for the Fruit Display
Precious Moments c/o Dacoya & Gwen Blue for the Gift Bags
The Partners and Sister-Helpers of WMS, Inc. for the decorations, additional desserts, hosting, program participation, and ensuring a safe, sanitized environment for everyone to enjoy. A special thanks to Sisters Dinah Butler and Kim McRoy.
Last, but certainly not least, we thank Sister Yvonne Marlowe for her prayers and willingness to participate, though the weather was not conducive to travel from long distance. We look forward to hearing from you at our next one.
Coffee, Cake and Conversation #2 will be announced at a later date. Follow us on FB and Instagram for more information.
Thank you for your continued support of WMS, Inc!
